
Ali is a sweet, gentle soul who had only one home in her life for approximately 8 years. When she became disabled, she was dumped at a pound and scheduled to be euthanized. A caring volunteer at the shelter saw her lying on a cold cement floor covered with ticks and started looking for anyone to help. Another rescue jumped in and Ali was on her way to Colorado. When I first saw her standing I immediately noticed something was wrong with both legs on the right side of her body – she was unbalanced and it was difficult for her to walk, and she was in obvious pain.
We took her to the vet who diagnosed a torn ACL that she had for so long both front legs have lost the strength to support her back but her left back leg was still holding strong. This was probably the reason her family tossed her aside since repair surgery is expensive and recovery can be up to 8 months. I asked the vet if she could tolerate the surgery or if we had other alternatives. The vet said Ali was not too old for surgery and there were very few alternatives – pain meds and supplements would not alleviate her excruciating pain, and her condition would only worsen, destroying any quality of life.

Since we could not ask Ali if she wanted to cross the bridge or take the journey that is ahead for her, we needed to trust our feelings to make the right decision. She held in there long enough to eventually find the people who could help, so we could not give up on her. Currently she spends 90% of her time on her bed and only gets up to take a short trip outside to potty with support from me, then she comes right back in the house to her bed. I have a water bowl and her food dish next to her bed as well, because standing too long easily wears her out. She is wobbly and off balance when she moves so I try to keep her still, calm and comfortable. I can already tell she would like to have a normal life as she is perky when spoken to and responds to every word directed her way. I do not believe that she is ready to be put down or discarded like she was. I do see a spark in her eyes that tells me she wants to experience life. Ali is otherwise in good health with a life expectancy of at least 4-6 more years.

GSROR was able to raise the money needed to pay for Ali to get the ACL surgery done but after 3 weeks the sutures separated and she needed a second surgery to repair this. Her second surgery was a success and she is in a wonderful foster home awaiting her forever home.
Ali does well with all dogs and is not interested in cats. She would make a great companion dog for any family that has room in their lives to give a senior dog a wonderful life.
Ali was adopted shortly after all her surgeries and adjustments with her leg and she did so well with her new family. But sadly to say she only survived a year after her new found home and she went with love in her heart from a family that wish they could of had her for many more years. Be free of pain Ali and be happy in heaven.