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September 2011 – Common Dog Training Terms
(Or Speaking the Lingo of Other Dog Enthusiasts)
Part 1 of 3

In future editions of “Tracey’s Training Tips (TTT),” occasions will arise where I will be using some dog training lingo. So, instead of having to define each and every word or concept as I mention them in a “TTT” article, I thought it would be helpful to share with everyone some of the common dog training terms that you might encounter. This is by no means a comprehensive list of all training terms. I have tried to describe them without using too many other training terms, and I have taken the liberty of choosing ones I, personally, commonly use. The definition of these terms can also be found in a number of resources, both online sites and in books, if you would like to study them further.

Classical Conditioning: (Also called Pavlovian Conditioning) A type of learning process where one stimulus (i.e. a bell) is paired with another stimulus (i.e. food) which causes an involuntary response (i.e. salivation.)

Operant Conditioning: A type of learning process where behavior in the dog is determined by the consequences it generates. For example, if a dog sits and then gets a treat, the dog will be more likely to sit on command or if a dog pulls on the leash and the owner stops walking, the dog will be less likely to pull on the leash.

Counter Conditioning: A learning process where the dog is trained to behave differently to or think differently about a stimulus that he has had a reaction to in the past. This can be seen when a trainer teaches a dog who has been fearful of humans, that humans are okay.

Marker: Anything, such as a word, a clicker or a sound, which is used to let the dog know that he has done the correct thing the instant he does it.

Clicker Training: A very popular training system that uses operant conditioning techniques that focus on reinforcing desired behaviors with the use of a marker (in this case a clicker) and something the dog wants (oftentimes, treats.)

Remember to have fun with it! Dogs love learning new things!


Content Copyrighted 2011. Tracey Derheim. All Rights Reserved.